Polar Bear
‘Höff’, our Animatronic Polar Bear costume is worn by a performer and comprises an internal soft mechanical muscle structure with arm and neck extensions. A hair suit is worn over the top of this, with a fully animatronic Polar Bear head and neck. The animatronics of the bear’s head are operated remotely by a puppeteer […]
Animatronic Sharks
Our realistic Great White animatronic sharks have appeared in many commercials and films including Kon Tiki, and “Blood in the Water” (the story of the real-life inspiration behind Jaws). This one is known as Daisy to her Facebook friends. Fully animatronic and remotely operated by our specialist puppeteers, the sharks deliver realistic and lifelike body […]
Exploded Body – The Hurt Locker
Replica silicone body of boy who was used as a body bomb Image gallery
Gorilla Suit “Bollo”
Based on a Lowland Silverback male gorilla, Bollo is our angry gorilla! Worn by highly experienced performers the suits comprise an internal soft mechanical muscle structure to transfer the performer’s movements outwards. A hair suit is worn over the top of this with areas of skin, and fully animatronic heads. The animatronic gorilla head is […]