Animatronic Walrus

16ft long animatronic Walrus able to hug a man. Hand puppeteered flippers controlled from inside the Walrus. Image gallery

Severed Head

From Hannibal Rising, the severed head of the character of Paul “the Butcher” played by Charles Maquignon Image gallery

Girl Child in Jar

A lifelike figure created in silicon for the visual effect of the preserved body of a two year old girl. The effect appeared in UK TV drama ‘The Commander – The Devil you Know’ starring Amanda Burton. Silicone girl in jar Image gallery

Loggerhead Turtle

Adult and Infant swimming animatronic loggerhead turtles. These fully lifelike turtles feature waterproof mechanics allowing realistic movement under the control of our experienced puppeteers Image gallery

The Reader

Ageing prosthetics on Kate Winslet. Kate Winslet’s character of Hannah in The Reader, ages from her 30’s to her 60’s. We created both the facial prosthetics and the body ageing effects. Image gallery

Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises  Realistic silicone bodies to match actors. Image gallery